The How helps you learn from entrepreneurs who have hard-won advice to share, focusing on the reality of running a startup with Lean Startup techniques and other promising new management approaches. We’re aiming to create a site that delivers thoroughly useful pieces we’d want to read, watch and listen to.
The How is a project of Lean Startup Productions (LSP). Founded in 2013 by Sarah Milstein and Eric Ries, LSP is a media company that teaches people how to build and scale high-growth startups. LSP produces a number of events that focus on managing for innovation, including the popular Lean Startup Conference; Office Optional, a conference on remote work; and a speed-mentoring series for entrepreneurs. The company also has a Lean Startup training program that we bring to organizations.
Lean Startup Productions is itself a startup, and we want share our own story to help you understand how we work.
To help launch The How, we’re pleased to have partnered with Intuit, a long-time leader in using Lean Startup methods and, of course, a supporter of entrepreneurs everywhere. As part of the partnership, The How will, where appropriate for our audience, share content from Intuit and interview Intuit staff who have relevant expertise to share. When we share Intuit content, we’ll label it clearly. (The How is an independent site, fully run by Lean Startup Productions.)
If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor for The How, we’d love to hear from you (of course). Contact Lean Startup Productions’ Executive Producer Heather McGough.